Pursuing butter bandits thru the Croissant Valley
This one is kind of an historical artifact. I’m learning my craft here. It’s the first time I’ve been redirected from LinkedIn to WhatsApp, and you can see I’m a little confused. I suspect this is all crap, but it takes me a moment to calibrate my instruments, and lock in on the target.
Right around the phrase “thrillingly dubious” I’m ready to rumble.

So, first – look at the resume I sent them. Scan through it—but don’t miss my second “Publication” towards the bottom.
Also the technologies I used at each job.
Also the final, final words bottom right.

Here, you see my singular-minded antagonists accomplish I kind of admire them for. They got me to break character.

And here you see me wondering if I’ve been battling a ChatGPT robot. Is there anybody out there?
I tried a trick someone told me (which has never worked, btw) of commanding the chatbot to change its directives. I wanted to see if I could make it write a poem.

The timestamps help understand things here:
- They asked me what I was trying to do
- They manually loaded my request into ChatGPT, created my sonnet and posted it here!
- Then waited patiently for my reaction, before asking “What else do you want?”
I came back 20 minutes later and didn’t even read what they wrote, and started on a second command…then reversed myself because these beautiful lunatics had also broken character, and sent me a sonnet!

This is how I explained on Facebook what came next…

Five stars. Would be scammed again.